Emerging Young EntrepreneurS – Developing Entrepreneurial Spirit in the V4 countries
The main aim of the EYES is the promotion of the V4 co-operation opportunities by exchanging of good practices and experiences in developing emerging young entrepreneurs in the V4 countries with the help of innovative business development models (3D platform included). The idea is to implement a complex out of the box education method which could be multiplicated in all V4 countries and beyond. Stakeholders and civil society will contribute as well in order to reach a critical mass of youth.
The EYES is a complex out of the box education method which aims to disseminate an effective tool to educate and train emerging entrepreneurs in the transformative business approach in innovation and entrepreneurship (Business Model Canvas) particularly in the emerging sustainable economic sectors such as ICT, green economy, creative industry with a special focus on start-ups. The main activity will be based on an international business idea competition and a 3D platform. Participants of the competition will be young entrepreneurs selected and delegated by the project partners. Start-ups win this opportunity after successful participation on national pre-selection competitions.
After the regional preparation and selection process the 6 best business idea owners per region will attend the international competition. The best 24 ideas will be presented to international experts and to a public audience. The international jury will select the best 4 young entrepreneurs (1/each project partner countries) from whom the best one will be selected by real investors.
The competition final and international conference will be the event where stakeholders can change experiences and good practices in connection innovative employment and economy boosting methods like out-of-the-box approaches of entrepreneurship education.
Project news:
Project partners:
- Budapest Enterprise Agency
Budapesti Vállalkozásfejlesztési Közalapítvány
Rákóczi út 18., Budapest, 1072, Hungary
- Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Spoleczno-Gospodarczego „Wiedza” (Mazowiecki Klaster ICT)
Association of Economic and Social Development „Wiedza” (Mazovia Cluster ICT)
Zelazna 67 flat 18, Warsaw, 00-871, Poland
www.klasterict.pl - Ceska zemedelská univerzita v Praze, Point One
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Point One
Kamýcká 129, Praha – Suchdol, Prague, 165 00, Czech Republic
www.czu.cz - Slovenská Technická univerzita v Bratislave
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Vazovova 5, Bratislava, 81243, Slovakia